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Interviews from "The Creative Side of exithiside"

Karina: So are you two the original members of the band?

Ben: Unfortunately...

Dan: Ya, ya started off acoustic. An acoustic "rock act" I guess you could say.

B: Something like that.

D: Ya.

K: What were your motivations to start?

D: We were pretty much just having fun playing music.

B: We were in his bedroom one day, and we recorded these songs on this little ghetto blaster, and we had never shown anybody these songs; we were closet cases, in the musician sense.  And uh, we played them to one of our friends over the phone and they were like, "Those aren't too half bad, why dont you become a band?" And me and Dan looked at each other and  were like, "sure!"

D: Okay!

B: Sure! Sure! Something like that.

D: Ya that was pretty much it.

B: Then we got the confidence to book a show down at the old Spirals

D: The End

B: The End

D: Ya, ya.  The End

B: The End down at the bottom of Lonsdale.

D: It's now called Raglans

K: So obviously it was you two that decided on your name.

B: Ya

D: Ya

K: Did you have a previous name?

D: No we were kinda running through a whole bunch of names...

B: We had a show , once again at raglans, the end and we needed a name quick

D: Ya

B: We were coming back from downtown...

D: No we were going too downtown...

B: Going too downtown...

D: Because we were going to look for names downtown.

B: Thats right.

D: And we were just sitting on the seabus and Ben starts naming things all over the seabus: please keep your feet off the seats, Fire Station No. 1, life jackets under the seat..

B: I liked Fire Station No. 1!

D: Ya you liked Fire Station No. 1... I didnt like that one. And then he's like "Exit This Side",  and I'm like "yaaa lets keep that one for now and see if we find anything else downtown".  We didnt, and we came back to the north shore to do the show and it was like, "what is your band name?" "Exit This Side.".  And we were pretty much stuck.  We thought we'd keep it as a joke.

B: And many moons later

D: Ya, eight years later and it's still the same name, and we never really changed it.

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