News & Gossip
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Here's the scoop...

"I play the drums for exithiside, because I've pretty much sucked at everything else I've done" - Julian


January 12. 2005
The Local Authority replaces DiePopstar!
September 14, 2004
DiePopstar has been shut down... why?
August 9, 2004
Julian's back made contact with the ground from falling 14+ feet.  Thus, breaking his back and fracturing his skull.  Carpentry can be a bitch sometimes.  We all wish Julian a great recovery.  ROBOT MAN FOREVER.  Loving the back brace...
May 30, 2004
The Show at the Pic Pub was cancelled due to a water main break.  In the hoopla of getting gear out of the venue, Tarek's guitar was stolen.  The good news: at a later date, it was recovered.  The bad news:  Tarek kinda wished it wasn't recovered (insurance claim + money = new guitar).
November 6, 2003
An exithiside calendar??!!! Maybe!  Featuring Craig's ass as a month special!  Well, according to Ben that is.  Would you like to see an exithiside calendar? 
August 30, 2003
Domestic Disturbance was shut down!  As of 8:30pm cops shut down the unsuccessful festival grounds.  Expected attendance was 6000, but a count of approximatley 250 people were there.  It was shut down because Craig farted, Tarek smelled it, Ben had a throbbing erection, Dan licked it, and Julian watched it all happen.... no.  Actually the real story is that the cops said there wasn't enough security... check it out at http://www.diepopstar.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=156  
- Gossip compiled by Jolene and Karina -
July 23, 2003
Dan is gay!  No, he acutally isn't because he is engaged... but check out the rumour created by the man himself, Dan.
May 23, 2003
Check out Tood Kerns site for an in depth discussion on how people really feel about the winners of LBS... and hear Todd's story on how an Exit fan went a little too far...


November 1, 2005
Bye Dan!  Good Luck in your future endeavours!
October 20, 2005
Okay kids.  I know its been said before, but those songs are almost in our hot little hands.  I had the privilege once again to join the doods at Gggarth's studio to listen in on the mixes Dean had produced.  Wonderful.  I feel sorry for you suckers that really have to wait it out!  So far, "Beautiful" and "Girlfriend" have been completed. 
Due to other .... other.... shit, Crippen has left exithiside.  In place, Alex has taken the to the throne, literally.  He has been said to rock it like no other since Julz took leave.  I'm excited to check this out on Hallowe'en....
Hallowe'en Showcase with Holiday and a few others!  ON OCTOBER 31!  Come one, come all, dressed ridonkulously!  Tix are 10$ Through myself or the guys.
January 12, 2005
After talking to Tarek, we have some info on what is really going on with the upcoming album.  The guys were recently at Gggarth's in the puking snow getting the final little tidbits that needed to be recorded on his equiptment.  Upon arriving back on the Shore the harddrive was handed over to them to finish up background vox, and some guitar bits here and there.  Setup of the two programs apparently has caused some stress, but recording is well underway.  A couple weeks from now Gggarth is scheduled to be in town and the guys are to meet up with him at his studio downtown to go over everything they have done.  No promises, but "in the best case scenario, mixing should occur 3 weeks from now, then Gggarth is to shop it." - Tarek. 
The album is to consist of five songs, and yes, "Beautiful to Me" will be on it for all you beggers!  These finished tracks are to prospect in receiving a recording contract, so the rest of the album can be completed!  No dates are determined in whether the five songs are to be released on their own or with a completed full length album.
November 18, 2004
More recording is to be completed at Gggarth's in the next couple of weeks.  The work to be done is laying down some more of Ben's vocals.
October 24, 2004
After the stressful process of moving, Tarek has got the boys' studio set up.  The guys have been working a lot to put together their demos to send off to GGGarth.  I had the privilege to be able to observe the processes they go through to put together a song, and am able appreciate the time and effort that goes into everything they do.  Remember everyone, be patient, this one is going to be good!
October 1, 2004
The show at the Plaza was wicked.  Lots of new stuff was played, and all the guys did a stellar job.  Julian is still out with a broken back, but attended and watched the in place drummer, Marty, do a killer set.  Julian, watching from above had nothing bad to say about Marty.  "His playing was tight... he was right on with everything... and he sounded great.  No complaints... I would like to see him continue for the next few months". - Julian.  Marty's roomate even said that Marty would sit there with headphones on, to get the counts right.  Marty, you did an awesome job, keep it up!  Julian is still expected to be out for a couple more months.  Get better dude.
August 23, 2004
The boys are at it again.  This week they are heading over to GGGarth's studio/ranch to record.  It will be mostly Ben and Tarek doing so, while the others frolic off into the grass to pet some horses.  Is this the final recordings of the new album?  Stay tuned to find out!
May 30, 2004
Recording is still underway and will continue through June.  Sadly, no release date for a new album has been announced.  WHERE IS JULZ?!  That is the big question.  Julian has packed it up to head to England for a couple of months.  Stepping in his place for the tour and shows will be Dave from Claim the World. 
January 31, 2004
The boys, and other Vancouver favourites, The Rumours, will be opening for Billy Talent, February 2 & 3 in Alberta!  Have fun guys!
November 6, 2003
exithiside has decided that "if we're going to do an album, we might was well do it right" - Ben.  Therefore, the album production has been delayed, and a relase is planned for early spring.  Not to mention GGGarth has a busy schedule and getting everyone together is tough!
October 1, 2003
Round four winners, exithiside won against The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club on Tuesday evening, and Vancouver based Default on Wednesday.  Way to go guys!  And, good luck in round five!
September 30, 2003
Exithiside is competing in Xfm's Necessary Chaos and has already won 2 rounds, beating out Billy Talent on Friday, and Fuel on Monday!  Listen up tonight at 8 until 9 and vote for exithiside's "Beautiful to Me"   1.877.936.1049
August 16, 2003
Exit recently visited GGGarth's home studio in Gibsons to arrange the recording for the new EP.  Writing will start ASAP and recording will begin shortly after.  Look for the album release as early as October!
A few months ago it was known that exithiside licensed some songs to go on Midway's video game NHL Hits 2004.  The release of the game  is scheduled for September 23, 2003 (which also happens to be my birthday... hahaha).
June 30, 2003
"Beautiful To Me" gets a regular rotation on XFM.  If you do request it, they do play it!  I did one evening, and not 3 minutes later, my voice, and the song were on XFM!

May 24, 2003
ETS is first runner up in LBS, and played a showcase w/ Motion Soundtrack, and Cellar Door on May 23.
The boys will be opening for Goldfinger on June 15 for an all ages show

April 18, 2003
ETS has had their song, "Finding My Way" up on XFM's site for a few days now, so continue voting!



Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!